Cabo Verde, part 2

Cabo Verde, part 2

Posté par : Tanguy
26 Juin 2014 à 15h
Dernière mise à jour 31 Décembre 2014 à 12h
641 vues

Hello guys! Today we are going to talk about Santo Antao.


Santo Antao is an island close to Mindelo. We went there with a ferry since we did not want to do a very uncomfortable navigation. Once we arrived at Santo Antao we took the taxi to a sort of mini hotel using a paved road that took 30 years to build! It really goes through incredible cliffs and ridges! Once we arrived at Allan's place (the hotel owner is called Allan), we almost had to feel our way to the door since thick clouds were passing. We slept in the basement / bar room where the owner had held a small party the day before. The next day Allan showed us a nice way to walk and, after that, we spent the rest of the day playing games and with Allan's dog Dora. On the second day we went to a walk around a crater with plantations in its bottom. We also stopped at a tea shop, tasting all sorts of tea herbs. We saw beautiful landscapes and a whole lot of chickens. We also saw people pilling the maize for preparing the “catchupa”, the national dish. On our last day, Théo and dad went on a long walk and saw amazing landscapes and exotic plants, whilst the rest of the family had a donkey ride. There are plenty of donkeys, there, because they need to carry the water from a central tap to the houses. When Théo and dad came back, we took a taxi again, for going back to the ferry terminal, using the same amazing road.


merci beaucoup; je vais regarder sur la carte où vous vous trouvez; j'ai bien le souhait d'aller embrasser Anne Sophie, Maxence et Camille à Saint Géry s'ils y sont encore. Je vous souhaite encore de tout bons moments que ce soit en bateau, en taxi, en ferry, en avion, on foot aussi. Je vous embrasse. jacqueline.

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