cherche nouvelles d'un navigateur en malaisie

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cherche nouvelles d'un navigateur en malaisie
sujet n°80123
Qui aurait des nouvelle de "HACOUNA MATATA" ovni 43 de Martin navigateur suisse qui doit trainer vers la Malaisie?
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réponse n°75418

Martin va bien /Il était au mouillage à Phuket. La vague est passée sous Hakuna Martin ayant toujours la prudence de mouiller
par 15 metres de fond. La vague est allée s'écraser sur la plage et les bateaux mouillés près du bord
Vous pouvez m'appeler au 06 73 99 30 48

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réponse n°75430

Un témoignage complementaire d'un bateau americain qui fait état de bateaux sur la plage, le ton du message évolue du léger
limite choquant, au début, vers le tragique à la fin quand ils ont compris le début de la réalité de la catastrophe

Sent to me by a mutual friend.......

As some of you know two friends of mine, Jay & Carol are on an extended (at this point it has been 3 years and they are but
1/2 way there) sailing trip around the world aboard their 50 foot sail boat n/o "Gandalf The Green" (from Lord of the Rings)

They have spent the past year in Thailand preparing for the rest of their trip, going westerly. Their next destination is to the
Red Sea.

Many of the rest of you receiving this don't know them, but since this is of such timely interest I thought I would send it on to
the wide circle all my friends.

If you've wondered what it really was like - read on:

Subject: FW: Gandalf is still afloat in Thailand
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 12:13:14 +0000

--Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 6:42 PM

Just when you thought you had seen it all.
All the boats at anchor were enjoying a sunny quiet recovery from Christmas
or listening to the annual Boxing Day start to the Sydney-Hobart Yacht race.
Jay was transferring fuel. I was below on the computer.
The wind had stopped but Gandalf began to dance 360 degrees around the anchor, swinging dangerously close to some of the
other 97 yachts resting here. Round & round we all went for no apparent reason.
Engines started. Our anchoring depth quickly changed by 10 feet. Suddenly, the whole beach "disappeared" underwater. When
it retreated, everything on the beach was gone.
A hundred empty beach lounges, umbrellas, coolers, cameras, clothes and swimmers were washed out to sea. I didn't have time
to see the cars in the elevated
parking lot being pulled under water, as I was already up-anchoring and Jay
headed us out to sea.
At a depth of 100 ft, we turned and watched the mass evacuation of the
yachts. Some boats too close to the beach were not so lucky.
There was no warning. No crashing wave. No elevator sinking sensation in
your stomach. The water level rose so suddenly. The beach took the hit. We
tuned in on the VHF radio and our World Space radio. An earthquake, 8.9 on
the Richter scale!, in Northern Sumatra had toppled buildings in Aceh and
sent a 15 foot tidal wave down the west coast of Malaysia, Mallacca Straits,
Thailand, all the way to India.
Places we are soon to visit, the low-lying islands of Andamens, Nicobars and Maldives were flooded over. SriLanka took the tidal
wave full force.
As we drifted calmly out at sea, you wouldn't know what was happening
ashore. To keep Jay amused, we started motoring around picking up
"treasures". Inflatable floats, toys, Thai souvenir bed cushions still
wrapped in their plastic shrink-wrap, a big stuffed elephant. 6 foot square
ice-chests, plastic chairs, 20 liter water bottles, and a full sized
refrigerator were all signs that the beachside shops and restaurants had
also been washed away.
Our jaunt of collecting stuff turned serious when we
heard that the tidal wave struck at the worst time of day for the
vacationing tourists. Many Thais and tourists were swept from the beaches,
windsurfers, jet-skis, were killed or are missing at this time. One cruiser
almost had a heart attack when he found a floating body, only to discover it
was a formally tuxedoed mannequin from the beachside tailor shop.
Mobile cell phones relayed that the marina in Langkawi that we had just left
last Sunday was devastated. Sunken boats, missing boats. Friends' boats we
knew. Our mood sobered.
It is 7pm and the radio says the worse has past for Thailand. We are
sitting safely amongst the debris. The pretty cove we left this morning is
a jumble of junk, over-turned cars, floating vegetation. The local yachtie
bar where some 200 of us celebrated Christmas Eve dinner in good cheer, is
gone, just gone, washed away right down to the cement toilet block.
Gandalf is good. We are safe and will report tomorrow with good news.
radio email processed by SailMail
for information see: http: //

Anonyme (non vérifié)
réponse n°75435

"Our jaunt of collecting stuff turned serious when we
heard that the tidal wave struck at the worst time of day for the
vacationing tourists."
No comment

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Inscrit forum
réponse n°75439

Pierre Louis,

Entierement d'accord avec toi, le début de leur mail visiblement envoyé aussitot apres le tsunami montre qu'ils n'avaient pas pris
le drame au sérieux puisque pour les bateaux au mouillage assez loin de la plage cela s'était bien passé, la fin montre qu'ils
commençaient à piger.

Anonyme (non vérifié)
réponse n°75446

Little Wing,
Oui, merci pour ta compréhension. Tu vois, cela m'a fait le même effet que ce commentaire:
"la flotte de location a dû souffrir"...
ps: Comment dire l'indicible ?

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réponse n°75485


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réponse n°75551

ok je lui transmet
kUKU c'est cuvillier?

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réponse n°75558

non kuku c'est mike liberty qui est à terre maintenant

Anonyme (non vérifié)
réponse n°75565

Voilier Snoopy Ovni 432

Nous avons fraulé la " catastrophe ".... Faute de visa pour le Vietnam qui nécessite quelques délais ,nous sommes rentrés en
France pour quelques semaines évitant de ce fait le terrible tsunami du S-E Asiatique. SNOOPY quant à lui, laissé au ponton
d'une marina située à Phuket entre l'île et le continent, n'a subi aucun dommage selon les renseignements obtenus 72 heures
plus tard par mail.....OUF !
André & Micheline

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réponse n°75569

salut d'abord à vous Nath et laurent ! et salut à martin de notre part si vous avez contact avec lui ! et...salut à tous !
Merci pour les infos.
Ariane et jean-Louis

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réponse n°75575

Koukou des Kuku, Ariane et jean Louis. Nous sommes retraités maintenant mais toujours ventilés par le vent du grand large.
Bonne Année à vous et bonne santé à Noroc. A quand des nouvelles de ce sacré Martin ???

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réponse n°75576

Re-Koukou des Kuku. Et vous : comment ça navigue ??? Et la santé ??? Et le moral ??? Bisous, na !

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réponse n°75577

Nous devons être trop fatigués pour avoir omis de vous souhaiter mille bonheurs journaliers pour 2005. Sorry ! Bisous.

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