Expérience nautique de l'équipier
Compétences nautiques
Débutant (n'a jamais barré)
Disponibilité de l'équipier
Date de début de
disponibilité :
Embarquement lointain
possible :
Zone de navigation
souhaitée :
Atlantique (Transat)
Date fin de
disponibilité :
Présentation des équipiers
d'équipiers :
Nombre de couples
non renseigné
My name is Solène and I'm 18.
I decided a few months ago to take a year off between the secondary school and the University. I found a volunteering project in Equador that is about the environment. That's why I decided not to get there by plane but by boat. I'll try to travel as echological as possible.
I only one time sailed on a sailboat for a few days and it was really interesting! I can't wait to live this new adventure with you. I hope I'll bring you my own experiences and knowledge and I'll be able to help you with the tasks on the boat. I'm also looking for culture exchanges.
I'll bring my dynamism, my cheerfulness and my Ukulele with me!
Hope to see you soon,
Solène Chaudy